Draw TrackSOM network plot where each node represents a meta-cluster, coloured by the time-point it exists or median/mean marker values. Meta-clusters are connected with edges, indicating a transition over time.
- dat
Data table. The dataset
- timepoint.col
Column denoting the time point column
- timepoints
Vector of time-points
- cluster.col
Column denoting the TrackSOM meta-cluster ID
- marker.cols
Columns denoting the markers to plot
- calculation.type
The aggregation (mean/median) type for colouring the nodes
- node.size
Whether the nodes are to be sized based on the proportion of cells it captured ('auto') or just constant (a number denoting the node size)
- min.node.size
Smallest node size. Only used if node.size is 'auto'
- max.node.size
Largest node size. Only used if node.size is 'auto'
- arrow.length
Length of the arrow
- arrow.head.gap
Gap between the node and the head of the arrow
- standard.colours
Colour scheme for colouring the nodes. Can only be either one of the colours specified by the viridis package https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/viridis/vignettes/intro-to-viridis.html or spectral, bupu, rdylbu.
- img.height
Height of the image for network plot export
- img.width
Width of the image for network plot export
- load.temp.data
Whether to load some intermediate calculations or not. These intermediate files contain the details of each node and edge, and produced by the function after the very first run.
- mapping
A data.table containing the annotation (cellular population) each meta-cluster in each time-point represents. The data.table must contain a column meta-cluster ID column named as per cluster.col, time-point column named as per timepoint.col, and a cell population column named as per population.col.
- population.col
Column denoting the cell population name column. Only used if mapping is not NULL.
- graph.layout
The layout of the network plot. Could be anything from the ggraph, graphlayouts, and igraph packages.
- legend.position
Position of the legend, as per ggplot2.
- no_merge
Whether meta-cluster merging was allowed. This only affect the network plot coloured by the meta-cluster origin. If merging was permitted, any merged meta-clusters will be coloured grey. If merging was not permitted, any split meta-clusters will be coloured the same as their parent.
- file.format
Image export file format
- line.width
Width of each edge
data_files <- sapply(c(0:4), function(i) {
system.file("extdata", paste0("synthetic_d", i, ".fcs"), package="TrackSOM")
use_cols <- c("x", "y", "z")
tracksom_result <- TrackSOM(inputFiles = data_files,
colsToUse = use_cols,
nClus = 10,
dataFileType = ".fcs"
#> Reading file /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/TrackSOM/extdata/synthetic_d0.fcs
#> Reading file /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/TrackSOM/extdata/synthetic_d1.fcs
#> Reading file /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/TrackSOM/extdata/synthetic_d2.fcs
#> Reading file /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/TrackSOM/extdata/synthetic_d3.fcs
#> Reading file /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/TrackSOM/extdata/synthetic_d4.fcs
#> Building SOM
#> Mapping data to SOM
#> Building MST
#> Extracting SOM nodes for each time point
#> Running meta clustering
#> Meta clustering time point 1 with 83 SOM nodes
#> Meta clustering time point 2 with 90 SOM nodes
#> Meta clustering time point 3 with 93 SOM nodes
#> Meta clustering time point 4 with 95 SOM nodes
#> Meta clustering time point 5 with 93 SOM nodes
data <- lapply(c(0:4), function(i) {
fread(system.file("extdata", paste0("synthetic_d", i, ".csv"), package="TrackSOM"))
data <- rbindlist(data)
tracksom_res <- ConcatenateClusteringDetails(
dat = data,
tracksom.result = tracksom_result,
timepoint.col = 'timepoint',
timepoints = c("Mock", "SYN-1", "SYN-2", "SYN-3", "SYN-4")
c("Mock", "SYN-1", "SYN-2", "SYN-3", "SYN-4"),
#> Calculating edges
#> Computing node details
#> Calculating marker's average per node
#> Saving node and edge details
#> Start drawing plots
#> Warning: Existing variables `x` and `y` overwritten by layout variables
#> Drawing plots coloured by time point
#> Drawing plots coloured by origin
#> Drawing plots coloured by x
#> Drawing plots coloured by y
#> Drawing plots coloured by z